I went to the Texans game yesterday with B, her brother in law M, and his friend and Houston radio personality Maria Todd. I don't really listen to the radio, but I'm sure to now. The Texans actually won against the Cardinals, too! Not a bad day, all in all. Now I just have to get over this stupid bug and get the week started.
So much to do...
I almost forgot
Christmas is coming
Listening to: Trans-Siberian Orchestra
Thinking: I need some more traditional Christmas music, too
Feeling: pretty good, for a Monday
It's nearly seventy today. Less than a week ago the high was in the low forties. What the hell?
I got a haircut this weekend. I also shaved for the first time in a week. I'm so freaking clean-cut! I'm also much more aerodynamic.
I still don't have a present for B. grrr... I'm really bad at this this year.
I wish I remembered all the French I've learned and since forgotten over the years. Then I could converse with the people in the Croissant Brioche like the real French who eat there. That would be fun. Plus girls would think I was cool.

64 years ago today

I saw an old man yesterday wearing USS Arizona hat, and suddenly came down with a heavy feeling of inadequacy. I hope that I can live my life in ways worthy of the incredible sacrifices that these, and many other people have made in the course of defending our country and the things it stands for. In that vein, I also hope to have the courage and conviction to do what's right and necessary to guarantee that our country continues to embody all those ideas and ideals that these people died for. Let's not slip into complacency in the face of national moral and ideological quandaries, but let days like today remind us that we need to be constantly vigilant, both internally and externally, against that which would threaten the basic tenants of our country.
Free Tickets

Aside from that, nothing really new. Of course, I'm getting about $600-$700 worth of work done on my TL in trade for my broken Bandit. Seems like a good deal to me, since Andy said it's probably only worth about $500 to him, cash. Of course, with some elbow grease I could probably part it out on Ebay for a good deal more, but it's such a hassle that the trade-off seems worth it. Who knows. Maybe I'll kick myself later, but it will be good to have my TL back in better shape than even when I bought it.
edit: section C107, row 7, seat 7. face value of tickets: $185 per.

Bartering Bandits, Being Broke, and Burgers

Yesterday was a slow day with a bunch of Half-Life-2 on the X-box. It's a great 1st person shooter, with a story as much fun as I remember the first Half-Life to be. Later in the evening, I went with B. to her parents house up 290 in Fairfield for some burgers her dad cooked on the grill. I'm such a sucker for cheeseburgers. Her family is really nice, and Fairfield reminded me of parts of Delaware. It was cold and rainy most of the evening, with a low in the low forties last night. Nice contrast to the 84 degrees we hit on Saturday, when I was lugging bikes in and out of the uhaul motorcycle trailor. Yeesh. I wish it'd just stay cold already.
Friday at last
Listening to: Jurassic 5 / Daft Punk
Feeling: Full - I just finished eating a breakfast taco. mmmm.... eggy-licious.
Thinking: Is scanning today really going to accomplish anything? (no.)
Physical therapy again today. Hopefully it won't hurt as much as last time. For some reason I was more sore than usual after last session. Then it's the weekend! It looks like I'll be taking my bike to get fixed tomorrow if I get my act together and get a u-haul bike trailor. Maybe some bartering will be an order, too. I was invited to go to B's parent's house on Sunday, too, for some burgers and family fun. mmm... burgers. I can't resist.
And just for fun, here are some pictures I took on the train back from Manhattan to Philadelphia last weekend. Using my little ghetto-digy (2Mp point and shoot, less than $100 over a year ago from Target) the pictures didn't come out so bad.

Who wants to go to Secaucus!!?!?

I liked these lamp posts, for some reason.

I don't think that there was a right side of the tracks around here.
Walk the Line

Thanksgiving and Travel update
I got to my mom's house in the Philadelphia suburbs on Tuesday night, and though I was busy for the whole trip, it turned out to be just what I needed. Wednesday I was home alone, and ended up doing a bunch of inconsequential yard work in the 35 degree weather. Wednesday night my sister came back from school, and Thursday morning (5am) my brother got in from the red-eye from LA. The big meal had 11 of us gorging ourselves on my mom's fantastic cooking - Mom, bro, sis, me, Nana & Papa, Aunt K. and Uncle D. Cousin S. and her daughter C. and mom's BF, J. It was great to relax in front of the fire with a few football games I didn't care about, and be glad I wasn't outside in the incredible wind.
After everyone left, the wind got so bad that we actually lost power for a few hours, which is always nice, as long as it's not out too long. That night bro, sis and I went out to a few different bars (always fun with them) but nearly got stranded in West Chester when mom's Impala wouldn't start. It ended up being a problem with the ignition security system, but we avoided a tow the next day when it just randomly decided to work in a last-ditch attempt.
Friday saw Mom, bro and I looking at motorcycles for mom and buying a chainsaw to cut up a tree that fell directly onto the bonfire burn pile in Thurday's wind storm. How fortuitous, since we'd planned on collecting wood for a bonfire that night anyway! The bonfire drew quite a crowd, including a friend of my brother's from Boston, another from San Diego, (obviously not just for the bonfire) my good friend J. from NYC, and a bunch of my sister's friends from high school days. All in all really cool.
My good college friend J. and I then trained back up to NYC on Saturday so I could finally see her place in Manhattan. It's fantastically central to everything, and even though we decided not to go out that night, we had some great Tibetan food and some bubble tea afterwards, though the chocolate cake wasn't all that good. Sunday I trained back down to philly, but due to me missing the 10:15 at Penn Station by literally less than a minute, and a broken down Amtrack in front of the Septa I was on, didn't get into 30th street till after 2, and was close to making my bro late for his flight back to LA. We did get to see Grandma O. before he had to leave, though, and though it was too short, it was still nice to see her. My flight left monday morning at 6, so i was up shortly after 3, but waiting at IAH for over an hour for my ride. Yesterday also had some progress in physical therapy, a broken motorcycle (electrical problem i can't seem to even find, much less fix) and finally some sleep at around 10. Apparently bro interviewed last night (again) for a kick-ass job he really deserves, so I hope that went well.
How's that for way too much information?
Happy Thanksgiving!

Nearly Thanksgiving!

I'm excited to see everyone - aunt and uncle, grandparents, mother and brother and sister, among some other's, no doubt. I'm going to try really hard to get up to NYC to visit my good college friend J, since it's been completely too long since I've seen her, and I really want to see her place in Manhattan. I think the last time I saw her was over a year and a half ago when she came down for the rodeo, and that's certainly far too long.
I really can't wait for my mom's fantastic cooking. She's like Betty Crocker, only better. You think I'm joking. I'll see what I can do to help out, but it's never much. Things like taking the rolls out of the oven when the timer goes off don't take much skill, but it's better than letting me ruin the bird. (Last year's thanksgiving at my house had a fried turkey from a restaurant. best turkey i've ever done.) All the food and family and coziness is always cathartic, and I'm really looking forward to it all. Philadelphia, here I come!
It's been a while
I bought myself a little palm sander Saturday to do some projects I have around the house, and it works great, just not for what I want it to do. I'll keep trying, though, and see what comes of it. Sunday was all about tailgating and watching the Texans humiliate themselves yet again, but not before driving roomie A. to the airport at 6am. (I was back home and asleep by 7:15, though, thanks to the complete lack of traffic.) My tall cousin C. came into town for the game again, and brought me his extra ticket - Thanks again - but didn't get there early enough to enjoy the 4 hours of great tailgating before the game. Sounds like a bit much, but really it's just a big party with lots of food and beer. What else are Texans fans supposed to do?
Physical Therapy Day 1
Deja Vu
Veterans Day

Stone cold illin'
i feel like crap today. all over achy, woozy, and slightly nauseous. I went back and forth between freezing and sweating like a pig all night, so I'm guessing a fever's running its course. fun. i've been fighting something for the last few days, but it decided to hit full force last night. perfect timing.
sometimes, sometimes, sometimes

any more.
like what's the point?
I want to believe, but
it just won't come,
looking for life
in desperation.
I'm no good at this
never really was
but scrape along fooling
myself, that it's all good
enough: that I'll get by
just as I am now -
the hollowed
looking for the hallowed,
avoiding the nothing
but looking for something
Motorcyclists are evil

Back to the future of the past

What the hell is wrong with people?

Know anyone in jail?

"You have received a collect call from .... Fort Bend County Jail ... Fort Bend County Jail ... To accept these charges..."
It went on to repeat, but it might as well have been in Klingon because I was no longer paying attention. All I could think of was who the hell would call me if they got thrown in jail? I'm not really that one phone call guy on anyone's list that I know of, and I thought that your first phone call didn't have to be collect, anyway. Lucky for me I didn't have to make the decision to accept or reject the charges because my stupid signal faded and the call was dropped. Thanks for your wonderful service, Sprint!
Restless Thoughts

I like the idea of an hour of dedicated, electronic-stimulation-free down time every night. I'll see how easy it is to actually do.
Relaxing weekends

It actually wasn't too bad coming in to work this morning. I think I was dreading it more last night than I was after getting out of bed today. It's still stupidly hot and humid, though, making me wish I could see some gorgeous northern foliage like some of my friends got to this weekend. That's one thing I'd change about Houston - I'd put it far enough north to shorten the summer and give us some nice fall foliage. I certainly miss that about the Philadelphia area.
Uneventful Saturday
umm... no.
so live with it.

Work, or the lack there-of

Slings and Things

Doing: Finding and Processing image data for new papers / editing
Feeling: :( Good Lord, why isn't it Friday?!?
Thinking: I don't really have anything planned this weekend, but at least it won't be a work day.
Also: I may just take off the sling before my Dr.s appointment, but also before I go crazy. It's so freakin' annoying, and starting to get me down.
And: Gorgeous weather and no motorcycle riding makes Andrew a dull boy.
Thursday Nonsense
This just in: I'm looking at a movie of a molecular dynamics simulation that shows the fullerenes rotating on the trimer molecules in my research. It's hard to say just how much motion is due to the rotation of the fullerene wheels themselves, but at least they're rotating. This is incredibly exciting. I can't wait to see the simulations of the nanocar molecules. Woot!
Time to do some work.
The more things stay the same

Looks like B.'s out of the picture. ( Lil' John's for her.) I know I'm not ready for a relationship, but I could have handled things better from the beginning - at least known my own feelings better. Now I've somehow turned into that typical guy: the guy women talk about when they say all men suck. Maybe not turned into, maybe just now realized. I'm getting lots of practice driving great women away. Seems like a recurring theme with me. My luck's bound to run out sooner or later.
Time, debris in heavy winds, and airplanes
And I've just realized just how fast this fall has gone. It's November already. I haven't talked with E. in nearly six weeks. (Can it really be that long? It seems impossible, but forever at the same time.) Thanksgiving is coming up in just over 3 weeks. My arm is still in a sling for 2 more weeks, but the dislocation that started it all was 7 weeks ago. I can't bring myself to care about my research any more, and writing my 2 papers seems impossible. (That has nothing to do with the topic, but needed saying.) The mornings are finally cool, even though it still goes to 75 almost every day. I've been back to Philly once, will go again in 3 weeks, and again less than a month after that. WTF. This has turned into nonsensical spewing. More later.
U2, Texans 1st win, weekend update
Saturday was a pretty low-key day, including some shoe shopping at DSW. B. was steamed that I got some shoes and she didn't. But then again, I really am a shoe whore. Later in the evening we hit a couple low-key places, including Marfreless. Sunday saw a bunch of football nonsense. The Texans actually beat the Browns for their first win of the season, and the Eagles lost to the Broncos, for their third of the season. I couldn't watch the whole game, even in HD, and had to go to Texadelphia for a consolation cheesesteak. In all it was a good weekend, though a Philadelphia win would have been a good end note.
That 2nd X chromosome

I've also been thinking a lot about the next ex (K.) who's in quite the happy state with her current serious boyfriend - the guy she started seeing after I broke up with her in ways that still make me feel like a schmuck. I talked with her recently, and was reminded what a great person she is, but also what drove me nuts about her. Still, there's a small part of me that entertains the remotest of possibilities of getting back together with her if the opportunity ever arose.
Then there's the most recent ex (E.) that I broke up with six weeks ago. In some ways it seems like yesterday, and I still can't believe that she's not a part of my life. In other ways it feels like a million years ago, and that the trip to New Mexico and everything else didn't really happen. I miss her most when I'm lying in bed at night, rethinking just what happened that night we broke up, still wondering if I did the right thing. I suppose it's a moot point, but I can't get myself to let it go yet. I find myself thinking of excuses to call her, but know that it wouldn't change anything, except make me feel worse for longer. Of course, I also don't really know what I'd do if she called me, wanting to talk. I don't think I have to worry about that one, though, due to why we broke up in the first place.
It's over for the Astros
Happy Birthday Dad

More and more places keep publishing stories on my nanocar research. The list so far:
C & E News: Nanocar Rolls Into Action
Slashdot: The World’s Smallest Car
New York Times: Scientists build tiny vehicles for molecular passengers
MIT Technology Review (www.technologyreview.com): coming soon
PhysOrg.com: Scientists build world's first single-molecule car
CNET (news.com.com): Here come the nanocars, Hot wheels
Instapundit.com: Nanotechnology update
Popular Mechanics: World’s Smallest Car
PC Magazine: Researcher Develops World's Smallest Car
Nature: Nanocar takes a test drive
Science Daily: Rice Scientists Build World's First Single-molecule Car
Science News (www.sciencenews.org): coming soon
E4: The Engineer Online: Motoring on molecules
Scenta (
KHOU 11News Blog: Rice scientist’s build world’s first single-molecule car
Foresight Nanotech Institute: Light-driven motorized nanocar built at Rice
Live Science: The World's Smallest Car
Small Times (www.smalltimes.com): Inside Rice, A Tiny Car
The Engineer (De Ingenieur,
Platinum Today: Palladium catalyst launches first nanocar
C2W (Royal
Nanotechnology Now: Rice Scientists Build World's First Single-molecule Car
United Press International: Scientists build a single molecule nanocar
Monsters & Critics: Scientists build a single molecule nanocar
AZoNano: Single Molecule "Nanocar"-Chassis, Axles and Four Buckyball Wheels
Betterhumans: Nanocar built from a single molecule
Red Herring: The Buckymobile is Born
WebIndia: Now, a nanocar 20000 times smaller than a human hair!
NewKerala: Now, a nanocar 20000 times smaller than a human hair!
Doctor Fun (Nanotruck cartoon): Battle of the Monster Nano Trucks
LoneStarTimes: Rice researchers build ‘nanocar’
BoingBoing: Nanocar
Zoo Magazine (
JKM Media (
ZietWissen Magazine (
Spiegel Online (
Space Ref: Rice scientists build world's first single-molecule car
MSNBC: The World’s Smallest Car
P2Pnet: World’s Smallest Car
ExtremeNano: Researcher develops world’s smallest car
All Headline News: World’s Smallest Car Revealed
Environment News Service: World’s Smallest Car Built from a Single Molecule
Digg: Scientists build world’s first nanocar
AutoBlog: Nanocar redines ‘subcompact’
Dvorak Uncensored: Great for driving short distances
ExtremeTech: Researcher develops world’s smallest car (link to PC Magazine story)
What’s Next in Science and Technology: Scientists build world’s first single-molecule car
ABC News: Researcher develops world’s smallest car (copy of PC Magazine story)
Technology News Daily: Single-molecule car, Nanocar
Science Blog: Scientists build first single-molecule car
Chemlin (
Scienceticker.info (
AMA TechTel: Scientists build a single molecule nanocar
TruckBlog: Scientists build world’s first single-molecule truck
Red Nova: Scientists build world’s first single-molecule car
NanoApex: World’s first molecular car zips about on fullerene wheels
Softpedia: The World's First Single-Molecule Car
icWales: Nanocar takes 'Mini' to a new dimension
Virgin.net: Nanocar takes 'mini' to new level
LinuxElectrons: Rice Scientists Build World's First Single-Molecule Car
I4U: Nanotechnology – World’s smallest car
Times Online (
opening line: “It looks like a pair of dumb-bells...” (Are they talking about the car or the PI’s?)
ScienCentral: TV interview with Jim and Kevin (this week or next?)
NPR: mentioned in broadcast
Top Twenty Insights about the Nanocar (adopted from Slashdot.com discussions):
1) Sorry I'm late coming home, honey. I lost the car again.
2) Only 4 nanometers across and yet it still holds 10 clowns! Go figure.
3) A nanocar is no problem; the hard part is making a really small Midas muffler shop.
4) You feel like a giant because you can easily hold millions of them in the palm of your hand.
5) But you feel a little silly because you have no idea how to change a tire.
6) Oh great! Now half the parking lot will be marked off for nanocar parking. Had enough trouble parking the hummer in the compact car spots now I have to jocky it into half a billion nanocar spots.
7) Finally, the perfect solution for men that have really large reproductive organs.
8) We’ve finally figured out what to use Buckyballs for...We’re living the dream folks.
9) It’s not ready to be the new Bluesmobile, until you add a cigarette lighter.
10) It’s not the size of the car, but how you use it.
11) The biggest problem driving it around
12) If your nanocar is broken, you’ll have to send it to a quantum mechanic!
13) Oops, made the same mistake as Ford and we only offered it in black.
14) It is so typical that when developing the industrial nano-cities of the future they chose to develop nano-cars instead of a sensible atomic mass transit system. If this policy continues the consumption of nano-gas will raise nano-oil prices so high that soon we will have to invade nano-arabia. I for one will continue to endorse nano-carpooling and the use of nano-bikes whenever possible...
15) Great, a new oxymoron for the English language: Nano-SUV.
16) Well sir, the car you just purchased has no doors, no airbags, nothing to use as a seat, no radio, and a horrible AC package... but I got good news. You just saved a fortune by switching to Geico!
17) Beginner drivers will still have trouble parallel parking it.
18) The Rice Univ. Police Department “booted” it using an ion.
19) You can pimp your nanocar by adding radioactive atoms to give it a nice green glow.
20) A little tricky for the science team when they have to ask for funding...
Funding Agency: What's the problem?
Scientists: Well, we need to be able to move atoms and molecules around in precise ways.
Funding Agency: How can we help?
Scientists: We need some funding to build little, tiny trucks to carry them around in.
[long pause]
Funding Agency: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! No really guys, what did you need?
East Coast in the House!

Rice scientists build world's first single-molecule car:
'Nanocar' with buckyball wheels paves way for other molecular machines
C & E News: Nanocar Rolls Into Action
Platinum Today: Palladium catalyst launches first nanocar - 19th October 2005
C2W (Royal
Nanotechnology Now: Rice Scientists Build World's First Single-molecule Car
Live Science: The World's Smallest Car
Small Times (www.smalltimes.com): coming soon
MIT Technology Review (www.technologyreview.com): coming soon
PhysOrg.com (www.physorg.com): coming soon
Science News (www.sciencenews.org): coming soon
The Engineer ( De Ingenieur): coming soon
CNET (news.com.com): coming soon
New York Times (www.nytimes.com): coming soon
And may I just say...
Ready to go
Sleep and follow up appointments
Back at work
3 Stitches



This is the nerve block pump. A bit bigger than I thought it would be. Gives me 5ml an hour of whatever chemical it is - not enough today.

Here's my attempt at wearing a shirt without the ice-water pack. A bit better, but still not exactly presentable.

Here's my dressing. The bandages are a sort of rubbery sticky plastic. Strange but effective. My neck tape is driving me nuts today. Hopefully some more vicodin will help me not care as much.
Bionic man
They amputated my right arm
All in all I feel fine, but still slightly woozy and a bit sore. I'll try geting some pics up soon, but one-handed typing is slow.
Surgery Tomorrow
Sports Overload
This weekend, thanks to B, my weekend was a complete sports overload - but in an entirely good way. Saturday she got comped tickets through work to the first Astros home game against the Braves. They kicked some serious ass, too. A great game to go to. Sunday I got up insanely early to go tailgate at 8am when the parking lots at reliant opened. Steak and potatoes and cookies for breakfast, not to mention screwdrivers and beer. mmm... steak. The Texans played absolutely horrendously, even though they got their season's high score, and lost to the Titans who they were supposed to beat by 3. Sad. By the end of the game the only cheers were heard when they updated the Astros-Braves game 4 score.
Now that was the game to have seen. In game 4, Astros up 2-1 in the best of 5 series, both teams had grand slams, and the Astros had a single home run in the bottom of the ninth to tie it up at 6. Then no one scored for the next EIGHT and a half innings. In the bottom of the 18th inning, breaking the record for longest post season game ever played, with Roger Clemens in as relief and no one else in the bullpen, Burke had a walk-off homer to end what was possibly one fo the best baseball games ever played.
Oy. I'm tired. Some great baseball, some really horrible football - the Eagles decided to suck this weekend against the cowboys - and I'm suffering from sports overload.
On another note, Advisor boss-man left today for a short trip, which I totally forgot about till I saw his email at home at about 9:30 this AM. He wanted another copy some work I've been doing - stuff that I already gave him on USB-key and hard copy, just to be sure. But no. So somehow he's cranky with me because he managed to misplace both a real and electronic copy of my work. WTF? Would three copies and an engraved master die have done the trick? No. Simply because I wasn't at work at my normal time this morning (about an hour and a half earlier than everyone else, usually) he was determined to need something from me. If not that, then something else. That's just how these things work. And today of all days, when he hasn't said 2 words to me in nearly a week. Jyearsh. Let me just have this alien baby already.
Experimental Decorating

Went to Target yesterday after work looking for an area rug and maybe some curtains. Both were a gamble, but the curtains still have incredible suck potential. I haven't made up my mind yet, except for the fact that they need some sort of holdback hooks to

The rug I like a lot better. It's a 5x8 that nicely covers up the worn rug under the coffee table in front of the sofa. This one I'llalmost certainly keep, at least till I move. Click on either picture for a larger view.
Friday Shenanigans
Saw A History of Violence with B. last night. It had potential, but seemed to miss something again and again in the key moments. It had some of the most graphic violence and sex I've ever seen in a movie, and neither really was necessary. It wasn't so bad, but at key moments, instead of being caught up in the story, I was thinking - did they really just do that? did that just happen on screen? are they serious?
Had fun with B. as well. Went to the Volcano for a little bit then back to her place where I'd left my bike. I think today will be low key with maybe some reading by the pool and maybe a nap. But first, I've got to get me some grub.
Drinking on Thursdays
Today it's actually cool for once. As of 11am it's only about 75. It hasn't been this cool this late in the day since early May! I'm loving it. Last night was a lot of fun, but I'm definitely not used to going out on weeknights. I'm wallowing around in that slow, stuffy headed realm where all I want to do is fall asleep, but it was completely worth it. Maybe we'll go see A History of Violence tonight.
Surgery Scheduled
I've got two weeks before I'm a one-armed gimp for more than a month. So what do I do to make sure I enjoy my bi-manuality? One thing's for sure - I'm gonna ride the hell out of my motorcycle before I mothball it till January. Maybe a couple of pushups, too, if my shoulder can take it, just for the hell of it. (I never could do one-armed pushups. Maybe now's the time to start.)
Bone and Joint Clinic
As much fun as the actual surgery sounds, the recovery will be much more of a test. Assuming surgery is on a Wednesday, I could go back to work Monday at the earliest. That's a hell of a lot more initial recovery time than I'd hoped. After that, it's 4 weeks of immobility, then 6-8 weeks of physical therapy to get range of motion and then strength back. Of course, it will be a 6 - 12 months before it's back to normal, but then I hopefully won't have to worry about random silly dislocations any more. Egads, I hope it's worth it.
To be honest, it seems that Dr. Labbe really knows what he's doing. At the Houston Bone and Joint Clinic of 8 or 9 doctors, he's the shoulder, elbow and knee specialist, and is a really nice guy to boot. I'm not worried that he'll screw anything up, just a bit apprehensive in general. As of now, I'm not sure of a surgery date, but October 11 or 12 seem the most likely candidates.
Tuesday Morning
On that note, my MRI follow-up appointment with the orthopedic surgeon is today, so hopefully I'll find out the details about the expected shoulder surgery and recovery process. I'm really not looking forward to it - one might say dreading it. After all, who wants to scar this perfect body? Right. I'll update later when I'm back from the appointment. I've yet to spend fewer than three hours in this place, and I doubt this will be any shorter a visit.
Rita and the weekend
13 hours later in a drive that should have only taken about 3.5 hours, we got to the golf resort-ish Tapatio just outside Boerne. We went fishing friday morning and evening, each catching 3 or 4 large mouth bass - cool. But spending time with my ex girlfriend is something I really didn't need, especially since the only thing it cleared up is how much she just doesn't care about our breakup. Whatever. It's still too fresh a wound to really start probing it anyway. Her family is all insanely nice and gracious, and I'll miss stupid little things like fishing with her dad, but it's been nice knowing them.
Saturday morning we decided to leave at about 5:30 to beat the traffic back into Houston, since all reports were that the city missed the brunt of the storm. Indeed, after an uneventful 3h 15m drive back, we found nothing damaged, but were without power till early afternoon. Not a big deal. Rice apparently never lost power, which is amazing since it tends to lose power in even moderate thunderstorms.
In other random news, I got an email from my old roomate Quad Pugh this morning. Apparently he's living in Philadelphia now, but I've yet to get more details about how his town of Lafayette La fared in the two hurricanes.
Houston Cheese Steaks
News update
I dislocated my shoulder last tuesday while running around at fitness boot camp. Here I am trying to get my lazy ass kicked back into shape finally, and my shoulder decides it's had enough. Jumping jacks did it this time (#6). See if you notice a trend here in how I've managed to dislocate my shoulder so far.
1: Basketball
2: Football
3: Racketball
4: Wakeboarding
5: Stretching (I shit you not)
6: Jumping jacks
Easier and easier to dislocate, it's time for surgery. I got a contrast MRI on monday, and a followup appointment with the orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. I'm 90% sure it will need surgery, and by this point i'm completely willing, even as adamantly as I've refused it in the past.
In other news, Elizabeth and I broke up on Thursday night after a few beers and just over 20 months. It happened so quickly that I'm still questioning myself about it, but It's probably the right thing to do. That sure doesn't make it suck any less at the moment, but any minor consolation is worth holding on to right now. Now I just need to stop questioning myself and be happy with what it was.
Finally, Hurricane Rita has the city in a bit of a tizzy, even though it's forecasted to make landfall almost 150 miles away from Houston. People are leaving (foregoing chances to see the Dalai Lama, for pete's sake) worried not so much about the winds, but more about flooding, lost power, and other inconveniences that will most probably be minor if the forecast is correct. Of course if it decides to turn north at the last minute things could get pretty bad, but that seems less and less likely as time progresses.
Days 8 & 9 (Saturday & Sunday 7/30-31)
Saturday, the square and surrounding streets in Santa Fe were transformed into a massive pedestrian area to accomodate the influx of people for the yearly Spanish Market. Tons of people, hundreds of booths, and so much high-priced art that I was actually a bit disappointed. Some of the art was really great, but none of it was even remotely close to my price range.

Sunday we got on the road around 7AM for the long drive back. Stopped to see the half-burried cadillacs along the way.

In the middle of Nowhere.

Lots of graffiti overe the years.

But really colorful, and still really cool.