I've never been very good at making up my mind about things I think are important. I certainly have a tendency to over-analyze, which often makes unimportant decisions seem so much more than they really are. So now I'm in a place where I'm once again over-analyzing possibilities, probably making things more difficult than they need be. It's not really an easy decision even if I weren't prone to agonizing over the process, but it's still basically a should I or shouldn't I. Of course, if you know how much I can drag out stupid decisions like which pair of shoes to buy, you can get an idea of how long any emotionally-based decision can take. Boo-freakin'-hoo. There are a couple of avenues to choose from, and I'm ignoring the least pleasant ones for now, so all that's left is to sack up and stick with one. If only it were as easy as the Bush administration wants it to sound. Stay the course. HA! If it doesn't work here, how can it work in any sort of political situation? That's right. It can't. But I don't care about that at the moment. I'm too self-absorbed.
1 comment:
and, once the decision is made, I have a difficult time following through, especially if it might hurt someone &/or make them (him) hate me. Ahhh, the complexities of life.
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