This story in the Houston Chronicle is too similar to a number of others I've read in the past few years I've been here. What the hell is wrong with people that they could do that to a six-month-old?!? I know that crushing stupidity affects an alarmingly huge number of people in the world, but it takes something extra to account for these parents' actions. I'm not religious, and not one prone to dramatization, but this type of thing really just strikes me as evil. There's some part of human nature that is still so animalistic as to be frightening, and it seems to be a measure of civilization how effectively people can reason with, or often supress those base, animal aspects of themselves. These people are just fucking neanderthals and should be painfully sterilized so as to never be able to reproduce again. There's just no room in a decent world for people like these. Lucky for them we don't live in that world.
Yesterday I stopped at the post office and as I was walking in, I noticed the car parked next to me. The car was running and the driver was obviously in the post office. No big deal, right? Wrong! Because I then noticed a baby strapped in the car seat in back and another child maybe 2 years old also in the car. What idiot would leave their running, unlocked car outside with two small kids in it??? I was so mad and should have called the police.
Anyway, I know what you mean about this news story....
I just came across your blog doing the "Next Blog" thing at the top. I'm looking forward to reading more soon.
If you get a chance, come answer a few questions at my Q&A blog called The Big Question. Here's a link:
Take care,
I'm not a parent, so I don't claim to understand the pressures and difficulties of raising children, but I know that beating a child, or even just leaving them in a car violates what should be an instinctual preservation of your own bloodline. Thanks for your comment.
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