Listening to: Jurassic 5 / Daft Punk
Feeling: Full - I just finished eating a breakfast taco. mmmm.... eggy-licious.
Thinking: Is scanning today really going to accomplish anything? (no.)
Physical therapy again today. Hopefully it won't hurt as much as last time. For some reason I was more sore than usual after last session. Then it's the weekend! It looks like I'll be taking my bike to get fixed tomorrow if I get my act together and get a u-haul bike trailor. Maybe some bartering will be an order, too. I was invited to go to B's parent's house on Sunday, too, for some burgers and family fun. mmm... burgers. I can't resist.
And just for fun, here are some pictures I took on the train back from Manhattan to Philadelphia last weekend. Using my little ghetto-digy (2Mp point and shoot, less than $100 over a year ago from Target) the pictures didn't come out so bad.

Who wants to go to Secaucus!!?!?

I liked these lamp posts, for some reason.

I don't think that there was a right side of the tracks around here.
You're not kidding - TGIF!
Freezing cold up north and super windy. The thought of riding a motorcycle is ludicrous around here. Hope physical therapy isn't quite so tough today.
speaking of motorcycles, i'm taking my bikes up to a shop tomorrow where the mechanic's interested in bartering my bandit for work on the TL. hopefully it'll all pan out and i'll have an improved TL without any more cash outflow.
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