... since I last posted. Not much has changed. I've been to PA and back for the holidays, spent New Years in Houston with friends, and have gotten back into the excruciatingly frustrating routine of stagnant research. In an interesting note, it's actually about ten degrees colder here in Houston right now than it is in Media, PA. That's a rarity. I decided that the threat of freezing rain this morning and tonight was enough to keep me from my motorcycle today - but not yesterday. I bundled and layered up, with my rain suit and everything, and actually rode to lab in sub 40 degree rain. I ask you, hardcore, or just stupid? (It was actually a bit of fun, if I overlook the fact that even with glove liners, my fingertips were painfully cold after only 3 miles.)
I'll try to keep up with this silly little blog more frequently now that I've had my yearly respite from it, and keep my four readers up to date with my oh-so-exciting life. Hopefully by this time next year I'll be in a real job with some real updates to share, but until then, I'll just be dishing out more of the same whiny grad student drivel. So here's to another year of blogging irrelevance! Hooray!

Oh, and here's a picture of my turf-burned knee that I got last Saturday playing keeper on our Cuervo Goaled indoor soccer team. (Pretty sexy legs, there, eh?) It still hurts like a bitch, and I'm keeping it all gauzed and taped up. I hope it heals by the weekend for our next game!
I did a very similar thing on a rock last week jumping across a stream! My legs, unfortunately, aren't as strong as I credited them for and my left slipped off the edge (I didn't jump far enough) and my shin banged along the edge of the rock as my foot descended into the friggin'-cold river water.
It was actually pretty fun. My thing probably isn't as bad as yours, although it's pretty well swollen still, almost a week later. Did I bruise? Nah. I had a pic, but I think I deleted it. Weak!
Ouch! Knee pads, that's all I have to say. That and I sure hope it's getting better quickly!
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