Moving into Halstead Tower
Good Bye Sherman
Halstead Tower!
Bring on tomorrow.
Google Maps
Floorplan C3 (mirrored) - 1149 Sq.ft.
13th floor
Master Bathroom
2nd Bedroom
Main Room
Main Room / 2nd Bedroom
Family! Graduation!
On a more somber note, My grandmother passed away yesterday after a long and full life. She had been personally ready to go for quite some time, but was still sharp as a tack and fun to talk to even only a few weeks ago, when last I spoke to her. She will be missed dearly, even though distance didn't let us see each other as much as I would have liked.
Plane Nonsense
Thirty Thousand Feet
Soaring like kings
or maybe sardines,
for a fare
cloudscapes from above
become commonplace.
The wonder is there, in the back
of my mind, craning
to get a better view
and drink it all in
with an unending draught
of amazement.
Who would have thought
a thousand years past
- or maybe only enough that
you still had trouble tying
your shoes –
that such wonderful sights
would someday be ignored, or worse –
forgotten even as they appeared –
in favor of everyday things
brought from below
to keep us grounded. Travesty?
Maybe there’s more lost
than appreciation
to be gained and spent
on aesthetics, when perspectives
can be changed for a charge
to heights as lofty
as this.
it’s too easy to forget
that aircraft grade alloys
are just dead weight
but for ground-level nuts
and bolts.
Can I find a balance
on the wing?
Sugar mama.
Before: 27" Daewoo CRTV, Aiwa receiver (w/ only 2 composite inputs working.)
Reciver Comparison: Onkyo on top, Aiwa below
After: Onkyo TX-SR605 receiver, Samsung 50" plasma HDTV, Xbox360