Not that there's been anything to read since April, but what the hell. Now there's more. Read away!
So instead of updating all that's happened in the nearly three months since I last posted, I'll just jump in with what's going on now - it's kinda hectic.
Last Saturday, we (wunnerful gf and I) rented a Uhaul and moved my roommate to his new apartment in the Galleria area. He really didn't have much stuff, so it only took about an hour - after which we went and got the rest of April's stuff from her now ex-apartment. She gave up a ten minute walk to lab for a 3 mile drive and the chance to live together for a few months. I'm really excited, too. It's been great so far, even though there are still boxes everywhere. And the roommate bedroom (Quads room, Aaron's room, Tim's room) is now the guest bedroom, computer room, and cat room, since they're still petrified of Shiva, the 75lb terror that she is. (I think she'll pounce on just about anything that moves quickly as long as it's less than a quarter her weight.)
So this new "guest bedroom" has already seen its first guest! On Sunday we get a call from April's dad saying that he'll be in Houston on Monday to pick up a new Kawasaki KLR650 with his friend Ray, and they need a place to stay. So we borrowed an air mattress and shoved some boxes aside and played host for a few hours after a nice dinner at Goode Company Seafood. Trout Almondine - tasty! They left at 8 to get to the shop by the time it opened so they could get back to Lake Chapala at a decent hour the next day. Right. Did I forget to say they drove from Mexico? Hell, I'd do it - those bikes kick ass!
The last and strangest thing at the moment is that now the animals in our house outnumber the people 2 to 1. A very vocal 1.5lb orange kitten decided to take up residence in the storage shed on the porch over the weekend, keeping me up

So do you know anyone who wants a ridiculously cute kitten? It's free to a good home, and I'll probably put up a posting on craigslist tomorrow if I can't find anyone I know personally to take it. Think of the kitty! (Please hurry, April's already nicknamed it Sydney.)

Ahh - crazy cat lady!
You know those things attract each other, right? Pretty soon, tomcats will be yowling outside your window like it's their job, then you'll have to take them in and build specialized cages all over the guest room, each with its own clock.
No, wait...cats in cages in the guest bedroom? I know your landlady pretty well, and she would definitely have something to say about that! :-) I think this may have been how the ASPCA got its start. Cute little kitten, homeless careful.
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