Big freakin' deal. I should have titled this post "First post in WEEKS!"
I'm not going to attempt an update on all that has happened since I posted last, but rather a brief overview for everyone who doesn't care.
Went to moms in Philly. Saw Bro and Sis. Saw extended family for Christmas and Christmas 2. Cousin J. came down from Boston, but not Uncle R., Aunt K., or Cousin N. because Uncle R.s cancer seems to be winning this round. My thoughts are with you guys. Hung out with Bro and Sis a lot and closed a couple bars - cool. Ate way too much food, including mom's incredible Christmas cookies. Now I'm fat.
There. That about sums it up. New years eve was a quiet, yet satisfying and fun evening with B. Work has started again and once again I'm sort of directionless. Well, not exactly directionless, but completely unmotivated to more in the directions I could be. I leave for a week at Penn State next Monday, so I've been doing prep work for that, but probably not enough. I'm sort of apprehensive about going, because there's not really any specific project or solid goal for the trip. Aside from "learn their method for post-acquisition image drift correction in matlab," I'm supposed to eye the lab for post-doc potential. hmmm.... I'm not sure I even want to do a post-doc. What the hell do I want to do?